If your Whirlpool washer is overflowing, don’t worry. It’s a common problem, and with a few simple steps, you can fix it yourself. Here’s how:

What Causes a Washer to Overflow?

Understanding why your washer is overflowing helps you fix it. Here are some common reasons:

Broken Water Inlet Valve

  • This valve controls how much water goes into your washer. If it doesn’t close properly, water keeps coming in and causes an overflow.

Clogged Pressure Switch Hose

  • The pressure switch controls the water level. If the hose it uses is clogged, the washer can overflow.

Faulty Pressure Switch

  • This switch tells the washer to stop filling when there’s enough water. If it’s broken, your washer might keep filling and overflow.

Drain Hose Problems

  • The drain hose removes water during the spin cycle. If it’s kinked, clogged, or not installed correctly, water can back up and overflow.

Too Much Detergent

  • Using too much detergent can create extra bubbles. These bubbles can make the washer think it needs more water, causing an overflow.

    How to Fix the Overflow Problem

    Try these steps to fix the overflow issue:

    Check the Water Inlet Valve

    • Unplug the washer and turn off the water supply.
    • Remove and inspect the valve. If it’s broken or clogged, replace it with a new one.

    Clean the Pressure Switch Hose

    • Find the hose inside the washer and remove it.
    • Rinse the hose to clear out any debris and put it back.

    Test the Pressure Switch

    • Use a multimeter to check if the switch is working.
    • If it’s faulty, replace it to ensure the washer stops filling at the right time.

    Inspect the Drain Hose

    • Check for kinks or clogs in the hose.
    • Make sure the hose isn’t submerged too deep in the drainpipe. Adjust it if necessary.

    Use Less Detergent

    • Follow the detergent manufacturer’s guidelines for the right amount. Using less detergent helps prevent overflows.

    Relevant Article:

    1. Whirlpool Washer Displaying F20 Error Code
    2. How To Reset Your Whirlpool Washer

      Example: Jane’s Fix

      Jane, a busy mom, had an overflowing washer after she overfilled it with laundry. Water started spilling onto the floor. She followed these steps and found a clogged pressure switch hose. After cleaning it, her washer worked fine again. Jane learned the importance of regular maintenance.


      An overflowing Whirlpool washer can be fixed easily by understanding and addressing the causes. With these steps, you can prevent future problems and enjoy a smoothly running washer. Regular maintenance keeps your laundry routine trouble-free.