LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile) flooring has gained immense popularity recently due to its durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. Homeowners and commercial property owners alike appreciate its versatility and easy maintenance. Can you steam clean LVT flooring? Discover the dos and don’ts of cleaning LVT flooring and effective maintenance methods.

One popular question often arises is whether or not steam cleaning is a suitable option. This article will explore the feasibility of steam cleaning LVT flooring and recommend effective cleaning methods to keep your floors looking their best.

What Is LVT Flooring?

LVT flooring is a man-made material designed to replicate the look of natural elements like wood or stone. It consists of various layers, including a protective wear layer, a printed design layer, and a sturdy core, either rigid or flexible. LVT flooring boasts advantages such as resistance to water and scratches, along with convenient installation. Despite its durability, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to uphold its visual appeal and lifespan.

Can You Steam Clean LVT Flooring?

Yes, steam cleaning is a popular method to clean various surfaces deeply, but caution is advised regarding lvt flooring. While steam cleaning can effectively remove dirt and grime, it can also damage the flooring if not done correctly. 

The heat and moisture from steam can penetrate the seams and edges of the flooring, potentially causing adhesive failure or warping. Moreover, excessive water can seep into the subfloor, leading to mold and mildew growth.

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5 Steps on How to Steam Clean LVT Flooring

1. Regular Sweeping

  • Perform regular sweeping or dry mopping to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from LVT flooring.
  • This routine helps prevent scratches and maintains the overall cleanliness of the floor.

2. Gentle Washing

  • Opt for a damp mop or a gentle microfiber cloth when cleaning for a more comprehensive result.
  • Steer clear of excessive water, as it can infiltrate seams and jeopardize LVT integrity.
  • Select a pH-neutral cleaner explicitly crafted for LVT flooring.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions diligently for proper cleaning.

3. Tackling Stubborn Stains

  • Accidental spills are inevitable, requiring prompt attention.
  • Gently blot the affected area using a clean cloth or paper towel.
  • For stubborn stains, employ a mild cleaning solution.
  • Thoroughly rinse the area to ensure cleanliness.
  • Patience and delicate scrubbing play a crucial role in restoring the original beauty of LVT flooring.

4. Protective Measures

  • Opt for prevention over cure for LVT flooring maintenance.
  • Position doormats at entrances to capture dirt and prevent its transfer onto the floor.
  • Affix felt pads to furniture legs to prevent scratches during movement.
  • Employ rugs or mats in high-traffic areas to reduce wear and tear on the flooring.

5. Embrace the Human Touch

  • Show your LVT flooring the care it deserves, recognizing it as more than just a lifeless object.
  • Acknowledge its role as the base for creating precious memories and treat it with tenderness.
  • Demonstrate love and consideration in maintaining your floors, appreciating their contribution to a welcoming environment.
  • Remember that your flooring sets the stage for warm and inviting moments with family and friends.
  • Cherish the foundation that supports the special experiences shared in your home.

4 Best Ways to Steam Clean LVT Flooring

1. Regular sweeping and vacuuming: Remove loose dirt and debris using a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a nonabrasive attachment. This helps prevent scratches and keeps the surface clean.

2. Damp mopping with gentle cleaners: Fill a bucket with warm water and add a mild, pH-neutral cleaner formulated for LVT flooring. Dampen a mop or microfiber cloth with the solution and wring out any excess water. Gently mop the floor, focusing on high-traffic areas or areas requiring extra attention. Avoid using excessive water or harsh chemicals that can damage the flooring.

3. Using manufacturer-recommended cleaning products: Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for approved cleaning products designed explicitly for LVT flooring. These products are formulated to effectively clean and maintain the flooring without causing any damage. Follow the instructions provided on the product label for the best results.

4. Tips for removing stubborn stains: Acting quickly for stubborn stains like ink or wine is crucial. Use a mild cleaner or a specialized stain remover recommended for LVT flooring. Apply the cleaner to a clean cloth and gently blot the stain. Avoid scrubbing vigorously, as this can damage the surface. Rinse the area with clean water and dry it thoroughly.

Read More: 77 Best Cleaning Hacks 

The Advantages of Alternative LVT Flooring Cleaning Techniques

While steam cleaning may not be suitable for LVT flooring, there are alternative cleaning techniques that offer advantages and are safe to use:

1. Benefits of using microfiber mops and pads: Microfiber mops and pads are gentle yet effective in picking up dirt and grime. They have a high absorbency rate, reducing the need for excessive moisture on the flooring. Microfiber materials also help prevent scratching and streaking, leaving your LVT floors looking clean and shiny.

2. Introduction to pH-neutral cleaners: pH-neutral cleaners are specifically formulated to maintain the integrity of LVT flooring without causing damage. They effectively remove dirt and stains without leaving residue or dulling the floor’s finish. pH-neutral cleaners are readily available and can be used for regular maintenance.

Proper maintenance for long-lasting LVT flooring: Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of your LVT flooring. Implement a consistent cleaning routine, promptly address spills and stains, and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools. By following these practices, you can preserve the beauty and durability of your LVT flooring for years to come.

Best Ways to Protect and Extend the Lifespan of LVT Flooring

In addition to regular cleaning, there are measures you can take to protect and extend the lifespan of your LVT flooring:

Using doormats and area rugs to minimize dirt and debris: Place doormats at entry points to trap dirt and moisture before it reaches your LVT flooring. Additionally, use area rugs in high-traffic areas or underneath furniture to minimize wear and tear.

1. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive tools: Harsh chemicals, such as bleach or ammonia-based cleaners, can damage the protective layer of your LVT flooring. Similarly, abrasive tools like steel wool or scrub brushes can cause scratches. Opt for gentle cleaning solutions and soft cleaning tools to preserve the flooring’s appearance.

2. Preventative measures for heavy furniture and high-traffic areas: Place furniture pads or coasters under heavy furniture to prevent indentations or scratches on the flooring. Consider using protective runners or mats to minimize wear patterns in high-traffic areas.

3. Regular inspections and maintenance checks: Periodically inspect your LVT flooring for any signs of damage or wear. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage. Additionally, consider scheduling professional maintenance checks to ensure the flooring’s condition and identify any underlying problems.

Professional Cleaning Services for LVT Flooring

While regular cleaning can effectively maintain LVT flooring, there may be instances where professional cleaning services are beneficial. Here are a few factors to consider:

When to consider professional cleaning: If your LVT flooring is heavily soiled, stained, or damaged, professional cleaning services may be necessary. Additionally, if you cannot achieve satisfactory results with standard cleaning methods, professionals can provide specialized equipment and expertise to restore the appearance of your LVT flooring.

Benefits of professional cleaning: Professional cleaning services can deep clean your LVT flooring, removing embedded dirt, stains, and grime that regular cleaning may not fully address. They have access to commercial-grade equipment and cleaning solutions specifically designed for LVT flooring, ensuring effective and safe results. 

Professional cleaning can also help revitalize the appearance of your flooring, giving it a fresh and renewed look.

How to Choose a Reliable Steam LVT Floor Cleaning Service Provider

When selecting a professional cleaning service for your LVT flooring, consider the following factors:

  • Experience and expertise in LVT flooring cleaning
  • Positive customer reviews and testimonials
  • Use of eco-friendly and safe cleaning products
  • Transparency in pricing and services offered
  • Proper licensing and insurance coverage


Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep your LVT flooring looking its best. While steam cleaning is not recommended for LVT flooring due to potential risks, alternative cleaning methods are safe and effective. Regular sweeping, damp mopping with gentle cleaners, and using manufacturer-recommended products are vital to preserving the beauty and durability of your flooring.

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FAQs – Steam clean LVT Flooring

Can I use steam cleaning to remove tough stains from my LVT flooring?

Steam cleaning is not recommended for LVT flooring as it can cause damage. It’s best to use gentle cleaners and follow manufacturer guidelines for stain removal.

Are there specific cleaning products I should avoid using on LVT flooring?

Yes, harsh chemicals, bleach, ammonia-based cleaners, and abrasive tools should be avoided as they can damage the protective layer of LVT flooring.

Can I use a steam mop that claims to be safe for all floor types on my LVT flooring?

It’s best to check with the manufacturer of your LVT flooring before using a steam mop. Steam mops can still pose risks, so it’s safer to use alternative cleaning methods.

How often should I clean my LVT flooring?

Regular cleaning should be done at least once weekly, but the frequency may vary depending on foot traffic. High-traffic areas may require more frequent cleaning.

Can I wax or polish my LVT flooring?

No, LVT flooring is designed with a protective layer that does not require waxing or polishing. Using wax or polish can leave a residue and make the floor slippery.
