Football is a high-contact sport that requires players to wear protective gear, including gloves. These gloves are designed to provide a better grip on the ball, preventing fumbles and increasing the chances of a successful catch. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of hand sanitizer has become a common practice to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of the virus. This has raised a question among football players and fans alike – does hand sanitizer make football gloves sticky? In this article, we will explore this question in detail.

How do Football Gloves Work?

Football gloves are designed to provide a better grip on the ball. They are made of a sticky material, usually latex or a synthetic material, which enhances the friction between the gloves and the ball. This stickiness helps players catch the ball more easily, even in wet conditions.

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What is Hand Sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer is a liquid or gel that contains alcohol, which kills germs and bacteria. It is a popular way of maintaining hand hygiene and preventing the spread of infections, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Does Hand Sanitizer Affect Football Gloves?

Hand sanitizer can affect the stickiness of football gloves. The alcohol in hand sanitizer can dissolve the stickiness of the gloves, making them less effective. The chemicals in hand sanitizer can also cause the gloves to become brittle and crack, reducing their lifespan.

Can Hand Sanitizer Be Used on Football Gloves?

Hand sanitizer should not be used on football gloves, as it can make them less effective. Instead, it’s best to use soap and water to clean the gloves.

How to Clean Football Gloves?

Football gloves can be cleaned using soap and water. It’s best to use a mild soap, such as dishwashing soap, and warm water. Gently rub the gloves with the soap and water, making sure to clean all the areas thoroughly. Rinse the gloves with warm water and let them air dry.

What are the Alternative Options for Cleaning Football Gloves?

There are a few alternative options for cleaning football gloves. One option is to use a specialized cleaning solution designed for football gloves. Another option is to use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cloth to clean the gloves. However, it’s important not to use too much alcohol, as it can damage the gloves.

Can Sticky Gloves Give an Advantage to the Players?

Sticky gloves can give an advantage to the players, as they provide a better grip on the ball. However, there are rules in place to ensure that the stickiness of the gloves is not excessive, as this can give an unfair advantage to the players.

Is it Safe to Use Hand Sanitizer on Football Gloves?

As mentioned earlier, using hand sanitizer on football gloves can dissolve the stickiness of the gloves and reduce their effectiveness. Additionally, the chemicals in hand sanitizer can make the gloves brittle and cause them to crack, which can compromise the safety of the players. Therefore, it is not recommended to use hand sanitizer on football gloves.


In conclusion, football gloves are an important piece of equipment that provide players with a better grip on the ball. While hand sanitizer is a good technique to keep your hands clean and avoid the transmission of illnesses, it should not be used on football gloves. The alcohol and chemicals in hand sanitizer can affect the stickiness and durability of the gloves, reducing their effectiveness and potentially compromising the safety of the players. Instead, football gloves should be cleaned using soap and water or a specialized cleaning solution designed for football gloves.

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Can I use hand sanitizer on my football gloves during the COVID-19 pandemic?

No, it is not recommended to use hand sanitizer on football gloves as it can dissolve the stickiness of the gloves and reduce their effectiveness.

How often should I clean my football gloves?

It’s best to clean your football gloves after each use to maintain their effectiveness and prolong their lifespan.

Can I use rubbing alcohol to clean my football gloves?

Yes, you can use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cloth to clean your football gloves, but be careful not to use too much, as it can damage the gloves.

Can sticky gloves give an unfair advantage to the players?

Yes, sticky gloves can give an unfair advantage to the players, which is why there are rules in place to regulate the stickiness of the gloves.

Can I use bleach to clean my football gloves?

No, bleach should not be used to clean football gloves, as it can damage the gloves and compromise their effectiveness.
