Fiberglass showers are a popular choice because of their durability and ease of maintenance. However, over time, they can accumulate soap scum, hard water stains, and grime, requiring a thorough cleaning. If you’re wondering how to clean fiberglass shower with oven cleaner effectively, oven cleaner can be a powerful ally in this task. 

Understanding Fiberglass Showers

  • It’s important to grasp the fundamentals of fiberglass showers before beginning the cleaning process.
  • Fiberglass, a lightweight synthetic material, is frequently utilized in the fabrication of shower stalls and bathtubs.
  • The material is susceptible to scratching, necessitating the selection of appropriate cleaning techniques.
  • Abrasive tools and harsh chemicals should be avoided to prevent damage to the surface.

Preparing for the Cleaning Process

  • Prepare all essential cleaning supplies before starting: rubber gloves, mask, eye protection, non-abrasive sponge or cloth, soft-bristle brush, and suitable oven cleaner for fiberglass surfaces.
  • Ensure proper ventilation by opening a window or turning on the exhaust fan in the bathroom.

How to Choose the Right Oven Cleaner for Cleaning Fiberglass Shower

  • Ensure to use an oven cleaner designated for fiberglass surfaces to prevent damage.
  • Test the cleaner on a small, hidden part of the fiberglass before applying it widely.
  • Some oven cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can discolor or harm fiberglass.
  • Look for labels indicating the cleaner is safe for fiberglass surfaces.
  • Prioritize the safety and integrity of fiberglass by using appropriate cleaning products.

Lifetime Steps How to Clean Fiberglass Shower with Oven Cleaner

Step 1: Ventilate the Area

As mentioned earlier, adequate ventilation is crucial during the cleaning process. Ensure there is sufficient airflow by opening windows or using fans to reduce the inhalation of fumes.

Step 2: Protect Yourself

Put on rubber gloves, a mask, and eye protection to safeguard yourself from potential chemical irritants.

Step 3: Pre-Cleaning Preparations

Remove any items from the shower area, such as bottles or soap dishes. Rinse the shower walls and floor with warm water to remove loose dirt and debris.

Step 4: Applying the Oven Cleaner

Following the instructions on the oven cleaner, apply it generously to the fiberglass surfaces. Be sure to cover all areas affected by soap scum or stains.

Step 5: Letting the Cleaner Work

Let the oven cleaner settle for a few minutes on the fiberglass surface for the recommended duration specified on the product label. This will ensure it has enough time to break down tough grime and stains to ensure effective cleaning.

Step 6: Scrubbing and Rinsing

After the cleaner has had sufficient time to work its magic, use a non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristle brush to gently scrub the fiberglass surface. Focus on areas with stubborn stains or buildup. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure that may scratch the surface.

Once you’ve scrubbed the entire shower, thoroughly rinse off the oven cleaner and loosened grime with warm water. Use a handheld showerhead or a bucket of water to ensure all traces of the cleaner are removed.

Step 7: Post-Cleaning Maintenance

To maintain the cleanliness and shine of your fiberglass shower, it’s important to dry it thoroughly after each use. Wipe down the surfaces with a clean, dry cloth or squeegee to prevent water spots and minimize the buildup of soap scum.

Regular cleaning with a mild, non-abrasive bathroom cleaner specifically designed for fiberglass will help keep your shower looking its best. Follow the cleaner’s instructions and carefully rinse afterward.

Relevant Topic: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors for Bathroom

Safety Considerations When Using Oven Cleaner For Fiberglass Shower

When using oven cleaner, it’s essential to prioritize safety. Always read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the product label. Use suitable safety equipment, such as gloves, a mask, and eye protection, to reduce your exposure to chemicals and fumes. Ensure proper ventilation in the bathroom during the cleaning process.

Alternative Cleaning Methods for Fiberglass Showers

  • Opt for alternative cleaning methods for fiberglass showers if you wish to avoid oven cleaner.
  • Consider using baking soda and water mixture, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or mild dish soap.
  • These alternatives are gentler and less likely to cause damage.
  • Test the chosen method on a small area before proceeding.
  • Exercise caution when trying new cleaning solutions on fiberglass surfaces.


Cleaning a fiberglass shower doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined in this article, using the right oven cleaner, and taking necessary safety precautions, you can restore the shine and cleanliness of your shower effortlessly. Remember to maintain regular cleaning habits and promptly address any stains or buildup to keep your fiberglass shower looking its best for years to come.

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FAQs about Fiberglass Showers with Oven Cleaners

Can I use oven cleaner on a fiberglass shower?

No, not all oven cleaners are suitable for fiberglass surfaces. Look for an oven cleaner specifically labeled as safe for use on fiberglass.

Can I use abrasive tools or harsh chemicals to clean my fiberglass shower?

No, abrasive tools or harsh chemicals can damage the surface of fiberglass. Stick to non-abrasive sponges or soft-bristle brushes and mild cleaners.

How often should I clean my fiberglass shower?

It’s recommended to clean your fiberglass shower at least once a week to prevent the buildup of soap scum and grime.

Can I use a squeegee to prevent water spots on my fiberglass shower?

Yes, using a squeegee after each use can help prevent water spots and keep your fiberglass shower looking clean and shiny.

What is the best way to clean a dirty fiberglass shower?

The best way to clean a dirty fiberglass shower is by following these steps:
1. Prepare necessary supplies such as a non-abrasive sponge or cloth, a mild cleaner specifically designed for fiberglass, rubber gloves, and warm water.
2. Rinse the shower walls and floor with warm water to remove loose dirt and debris.
3. Apply the fiberglass cleaner according to the instructions on the product label.
4. Gently scrub the fiberglass surface with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth.
5. To remove the cleaner and any loosened filth, vigorously rinse with warm water.
6. Dry the surfaces with a clean, dry cloth or squeegee to prevent water spots.

Can you use baking soda to clean a fiberglass shower?

Yes, baking soda can be used to clean a fiberglass shower. To make a paste, combine baking soda and water to make a thick paste. Let the paste to sit for a few minutes on the unclean sections of the shower. Then, using a non-abrasive sponge or towel, gently scrub the surface. After rinsing completely with warm water, dry the surfaces.

How do you remove calcium deposits from a fiberglass shower?

To remove calcium deposits from a fiberglass shower, follow these steps:
1. Make an equal parts white vinegar and water solution.
2. Apply the vinegar solution to the areas affected by calcium deposits.
3. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to break down the deposits.
4. Scrub the surface gently with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth.
5. To remove the vinegar solution and any dislodged residues, thoroughly rinse with warm water.
6. Dry the surfaces to prevent water spots.
