• Glass shower doors enhance bathroom aesthetics but can accumulate water spots, soap scum, and grime.
  • Cleaning with proper tools and techniques can make the process easy and effective.
  • Use a squeegee after each shower to prevent water spots.
  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle for a natural cleaner.
  • Apply the solution to the glass and wipe with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • For stubborn soap scum, make a paste with baking soda and water, scrub, and rinse.
  • Commercial glass cleaners or dish soap can also be effective for cleaning.
  • Regular maintenance reduces the need for intensive cleaning.
  • Avoid abrasive cleaners that may damage the glass surface.
  • Dry the doors completely to prevent water spots and maintain a clean look.

This article will comprehensively guide you effectively on how to clean glass shower doors and scrub your glass shower doors.

Understanding the Basics of Glass Shower Door Cleaning

Why is Cleaning Glass Shower Doors Necessary?

  • Maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the bathroom
  • Prevent hard water stains and soap scum buildup on shower doors
  • Avoid difficulty in removing stubborn stains over time
  • Preserve the appearance of shower doors for a polished look
  • Ensure the doors stay free from dullness and unsightliness

What are The Common Problems with Cleaning Glass Shower Doors?

  • Common glass shower door issues: water spots, soap scum, hard water stains
  • Water spots caused by mineral deposits in hard water
  • Soap scum buildup from soap and shampoo, challenging to remove
  • Hard water stains stubborn due to mineral accumulation

Tools and Materials You Need for Cleaning Glass Shower Doors

Before cleaning your glass shower doors, you must gather a few tools and materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Squeegee
  • Dish soap
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Sponge
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • Paint scraper
  • Razor blade scraper
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Dish detergent
  • Water
  • Lemon 
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon oil 
  • Essential oil
  • Grapefruit

How Often to Clean Glass Shower Doors: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have all the necessary tools and materials, it’s time to start cleaning your glass shower doors. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove any excess water on the shower doors

Use your squeegee to remove any excess water from your shower doors.

  1. Spray white vinegar onto the shower doors

Spray white vinegar onto your shower doors and let it sit for a few minutes.

  1. Allow the vinegar to sit for a few minutes

Let the vinegar sit on your shower doors for a few minutes to break down any soap scum or hard water stains.

  1. Rinse the shower doors with warm water

Rinse the shower doors with warm water to remove the vinegar and any loosened dirt or grime.

  1. Apply a small amount of dish soap onto a microfiber cloth

Apply a small amount of dish soap onto a microfiber cloth and use it to scrub the shower doors.

  1. Scrub the shower doors with the cloth

Use the microfiber cloth to scrub the shower doors, particularly in areas with soap scum or hard water stains.

  1. Rinse the shower doors with warm water

Rinse the shower doors with warm water to remove any remaining soap or dirt.

  1. Remove tough stains with baking soda

If you have tough stains on your shower doors, make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the stains, and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a microfiber cloth.

  1. Use lemon juice to remove hard water stains

If you have hard water stains on your shower doors, apply lemon juice directly to the stains and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  1. Clean the shower door frame with rubbing alcohol

Use rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth to clean the shower door frame, paying particular attention to areas with dirt or grime.

READ MORE: How to Clean Bathroom Sink

Preventative Measures to Keep Your Glass Shower Doors Clean

Cleaning your glass shower doors regularly is essential, but you can also take preventative measures to keep them clean. Here are a few tips:

  • Squeegee shower doors after each use to remove excess water.
  • Regularly clean shower doors to prevent soap scum and hard water stains.
  • Use a water softener to prevent mineral buildup.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals to prevent glass damage and simplify cleaning.

Glass Shower Door Cleaning Schedule

DailyWipe down the glass shower door with a squeegee or microfiber cloth after each use. This helps prevent water spots and soap scum buildup.
WeeklyClean the shower door with a glass cleaner and a soft cloth. Spray the cleaner onto the cloth instead of directly onto the glass to avoid overspray.
MonthlyDeep clean the shower door by using a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Apply the solution to the glass, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.
As neededRemove any stubborn stains or hard water buildup by using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch the glass.
Glass shower door cleaning schedule

Remember that the frequency of cleaning may vary depending on usage and water quality in your area. It’s essential to regularly maintain your glass shower door to keep it looking clean and clear.

Relevant Article: Kitchen Cleaning Schedule in 2023

How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With Vinegar

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray solution on glass shower door to cover hard water stains or soap scum.
  • Let solution sit for 5-10 minutes to dissolve stains.
  • Scrub glass with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Rinse door with warm water to remove residue.
  • Use a squeegee to remove excess water from top to bottom.
  • Dry any remaining water with a soft cloth or towel.


  • Avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool or harsh scrub brushes, which can scratch the glass.
  • For extra stubborn stains, add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar and water solution.
  • To prevent future hard water stains, consider using a water softener or installing a shower head filter.

How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With Baking Soda

  • Mix baking soda and water into a paste.
  • Apply paste to stained areas on glass shower door.
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Scrub with a soft cloth or sponge in circular motions.
  • Rinse with warm water to remove residue.
  • Spray glass with vinegar, let it sit briefly.
  • Rinse again with warm water.
  • Squeegee away excess water.


  • Be careful not to use too much baking soda as it can be abrasive and scratch the glass.
  • You can add a few drops of essential oils, such as lemon or tea tree oil, to the baking soda paste for added cleaning power and a pleasant scent.
  • To maintain the cleanliness of your glass shower door, wipe it down with a squeegee or microfiber cloth after each use to prevent water spots and soap scum buildup.

How to Clean Shower Doors with Lemon

  • Cut a lemon in half.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the lemon half.
  • Rub the lemon on the shower door, focusing on soap scum and water stains.
  • Let lemon juice and baking soda sit for a few minutes.
  • Scrub glass with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Rinse door with warm water.
  • Use a squeegee, starting from the top, to remove excess water.
  • Dry remaining water with a soft cloth or towel.


  • Lemon can be abrasive, so be gentle when rubbing it onto the glass to avoid scratching the surface.
  • If the stains are particularly stubborn, you can also add a small amount of baking soda to the lemon juice to create a paste.
  • Lemon juice can be acidic, so be careful not to leave it on the glass for too long or use it on marble or other delicate surfaces.

How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With Dryer Sheets

  • Wet dryer sheet with water
  • Rub wet dryer sheet on glass shower door
  • Ensure complete coverage
  • Let sit for a few minutes
  • Scrub with soft cloth or sponge
  • Rinse with warm water
  • Use squeegee, start from top, work down
  • Dry excess water with soft cloth or towel


  • Dryer sheets prevent soap scum and water spots but may not be as effective at removing heavy buildup or stains.
  • To prevent future buildup, use a dryer sheet to wipe down the shower door after each use.
  • Dryer sheets can also be used to clean other surfaces in the bathroom, such as faucets and shower heads.

How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With Vinegar and Dawn

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray solution on glass shower door to cover soap scum and hard water stains.
  • Add a few drops of Dawn dish soap, shake gently to mix.
  • Let it sit for 10-15 mins.
  • Scrub glass with soft cloth or sponge in circular motions.
  • Rinse with warm water to remove residue.
  • Use squeegee to remove excess water, start from top and work down.
  • Dry remaining water with a soft cloth or towel.


  • Adjust the amount of Dawn dish soap depending on the level of buildup on the glass.
  • For tougher stains, you may need to repeat the process or let the solution sit for longer.
  • Avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool or harsh scrub brushes, which can scratch the glass.
  • To prevent future buildup, consider using a squeegee after each use or using a soap scum remover specifically designed for shower doors.

How to Clean Shower Door Tracks

  • Remove any loose debris, such as hair or dirt, from the shower door tracks with a vacuum cleaner using a crevice tool attachment.
  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution onto the tracks, covering all areas.
  • Let the solution sit for 5-10 minutes to dissolve any buildup.
  • Sprinkle baking soda onto the tracks.
  • Use a toothbrush or small brush to scrub the tracks, working the baking soda into the corners and crevices.
  • Rinse the tracks with warm water to remove any residue.
  • Use a soft cloth or sponge to remove any remaining dirt or debris.
  • Dry the tracks with a clean towel or allow them to air dry.


  • For extra tough buildup, you may need to repeat the process or let the solution sit for a longer period of time.
  • Avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool or harsh scrub brushes, which can scratch the tracks.
  • Regular cleaning of the shower door tracks can help prevent buildup and prolong the life of your shower door.
  • Fill a spray bottle with equal parts white vinegar and water.
  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (such as lavender or tea tree oil) for a pleasant scent (optional).
  • Shake the bottle gently to mix the ingredients.
  • After each shower, spray the solution onto the walls and doors of your shower, making sure to cover all areas.
  • Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water or wipe away with a soft cloth or squeegee.
  • Repeat daily to help prevent the buildup of soap scum and other grime.


  • Adjust the essential oil amount depending on your preference.
  • This solution is safe to use on most shower surfaces, but test a small area first if you’re concerned about damaging any finishes.
  • Regular use of a daily shower spray can help reduce the need for more intensive cleaning methods in the future.

How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With a Grapefruit

  • Cut a fresh grapefruit in half.
  • Sprinkle a generous amount of salt onto the grapefruit flesh.
  • Wet the shower doors with water.
  • Use the grapefruit like a scrub brush, rubbing the flesh onto the glass in circular motions to spread the salt.
  • Apply pressure as needed to remove any buildup or stains.
  • Let the mixture sit on the glass for a few minutes.
  • Rinse the shower doors with water to remove the grapefruit and salt.
  • Dry the glass with a soft cloth or squeegee to prevent water spots.


  • For tougher stains, use a more significant amount of salt and apply more pressure when scrubbing with the grapefruit.
  • Avoid using the grapefruit method on any cracked or damaged glass, as it may cause further damage.
  • For best results, use the grapefruit method regularly to prevent buildup and keep your glass shower doors clean and sparkling.

How do I Clean Cloudy Shower Glass?

Vinegar and Baking Soda: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and spray it onto the shower glass. Then sprinkle baking soda onto the glass and scrub with a microfiber cloth. Rinse with water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Dish Soap and White Vinegar: Mix a few drops of dish soap with white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the shower glass, and scrub with a microfiber cloth. Rinse with water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Commercial Glass Cleaner: Purchase a commercial glass cleaner specifically designed for shower glass. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure proper use.

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  1. How to Clean Bathroom Sink Drain
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Frequently Asked Question

Best Shower Glass Cleaner Homemade

1. Vinegar and Baking Soda
2. Dish Soap and White Vinegar
3. Rubbing Alcohol and Water

How do Hotels Keep Glass Shower Doors Clean?

Hotels use various methods to keep glass shower doors clean. One standard method is to use a commercial glass cleaner specifically designed for shower glass. Housekeeping staff may also use a squeegee to remove excess water and prevent water spots from forming. Additionally, some hotels may have a daily cleaning schedule where the shower glass is wiped down and cleaned after each use. Finally, hotels may use water softeners or water filtration systems to reduce mineral buildup on shower glass.

What is the Best Thing to Use to Clean Glass Shower Doors

One of the best things to use is a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water, which can dissolve mineral buildup and remove soap scum.

How do You Get the Glass Shower Doors Clear Again?

If your glass shower doors have become cloudy or stained over time, there are several steps you can take to get them clear again. Here are three effective methods:

1. Use vinegar and baking soda solution.
2. Use a commercial glass cleaner.
3. Use a magic eraser.

How Do You Clean Badly Stained Glass Shower Doors?

If your glass shower doors are badly stained, you may need to take some extra steps to get them clean. Here are three effective methods:
1. Use vinegar and baking soda paste.
2. Use a lemon juice and salt solution.
3. Use a CLR cleaner.


Cleaning glass shower doors doesn’t have to be daunting. You can easily remove dirt, grime, and hard water stains from your shower doors with the right tools, materials, and elbow grease. Remember to clean your shower doors regularly and take preventative measures to prevent build-up in the future. And if you have any tough stains or need extra cleaning power, try using baking soda, lemon juice, or rubbing alcohol.

Following these simple steps, you can keep your glass shower doors sparkling clean and look great for years. So why not try it today and enjoy a cleaner, more hygienic shower experience?
