Ball pits are a fantastic source of fun and entertainment for kids, but they can quickly become breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Regular cleaning and sanitizing of the ball pit balls are essential to keep your little ones safe and healthy. In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and effective method to sanitize ball pit balls using your washing machine, ensuring a clean and germ-free playtime environment.

Step By Step Guide By Expert

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start the cleaning process, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand. You’ll need:

  • Ball Pit Balls: Gather all the balls from the pit. Depending on the size of your pit, this could be quite a lot of balls!
  • Mesh Laundry Bag: You’ll need a mesh laundry bag to contain the balls and prevent them from getting damaged during the washing process.
  • Mild Detergent: Opt for a gentle, baby-friendly detergent to clean the balls without any harsh chemicals.
  • Washing Machine: Ensure your washing machine is clean and free of any residue from previous washes.

Step 2: Load the Balls Into the Mesh Bag

Place the ball pit balls into the mesh laundry bag. Ensure that the bag is not overloaded to allow for effective cleaning.

Step 3: Add Detergent

Add a small amount of mild detergent to the mesh bag with the balls. Using too much detergent may result in excessive suds, which can be challenging to rinse out.

Step 4: Start the Washing Machine

Place the mesh bag with the balls and detergent into the washing machine. Select a gentle cycle with cold or lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water as it can damage the plastic balls.

Step 5: Rinse and Dry

After the wash cycle is complete, remove the mesh bag and carefully inspect the balls to ensure they are clean. If necessary, you can run a rinse cycle without detergent to ensure all soap residues are removed. Once they’re clean, let the balls air dry.

Step 6: Reassemble the Ball Pit

Once the balls are completely dry, you can put them back into the ball pit. Your kids can now enjoy their playtime in a sanitized and safe environment.

Remember to perform this cleaning process periodically, depending on the frequency of use and the number of kids playing in the ball pit. Regular cleaning will help maintain a germ-free and hygienic play area.

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Now, you may be wondering:

How to Sanitize Ball Pit Balls by Hand Wash

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start the cleaning process, gather all the necessary supplies:

  • Ball Pit Balls: Collect all the balls from the ball pit that need cleaning.
  • Large Container or Basin: You’ll need a container or basin large enough to hold the balls and allow you to agitate them.
  • Mild Detergent: Choose a gentle, baby-friendly detergent that won’t be harsh on the plastic balls.
  • Warm Water: Fill the container with warm water.
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: Use a soft cloth or sponge for cleaning the balls.

Step 2: Create a Cleaning Solution

Fill the container with warm water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Stir the water to create a soapy solution. Ensure that the detergent is thoroughly dissolved in the water.

Step 3: Submerge the Balls

Place the ball pit balls into the soapy water solution. You can submerge several balls at a time, but make sure not to overcrowd them to allow for effective cleaning.

Step 4: Agitate and Scrub

Gently agitate the balls in the soapy water with your hands. You can also use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub the surface of each ball, paying special attention to any visible dirt or stains. Ensure that you clean all sides of the balls.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Once you’ve cleaned all the balls, drain the soapy water and refill the container with clean, warm water. Submerge the balls in the clean water to rinse off any soap residue. Rinse them thoroughly to ensure no detergent is left behind.

Step 6: Air Dry

After rinsing, place the balls on a clean, dry towel or a clean surface to air dry. Ensure that the balls are completely dry before returning them to the ball pit to prevent mold or mildew growth.

Step 7: Reassemble the Ball Pit

Once the balls are completely dry, you can put them back into the ball pit. Your kids can now enjoy their playtime in a sanitized and safe environment.

Hand washing is a more labor-intensive process compared to using a washing machine, but it allows you to give individual attention to each ball, making sure they are thoroughly cleaned and free from any germs or dirt.

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What Precautions Should I Take While Cleaning Ball Pit Balls?

It’s crucial to ensure that the balls are entirely dry before returning them to the pit to prevent mold or mildew growth. Additionally, always use a gentle detergent to avoid damaging the balls’ surface.

Can I Sanitize Ball Pit Balls in the Dishwasher?

While the washing machine method is effective, it’s not recommended to use a dishwasher for this purpose, as the heat and forceful water jets in a dishwasher can damage the balls.

Are There Any Alternative Cleaning Methods?

Some people prefer using a mixture of mild soap and water or a disinfectant spray to clean the balls by hand. However, using a washing machine is a more thorough and efficient method.

Can I Use a Washing Machine for All Types of Ball Pit Balls?

This method is suitable for most plastic ball pit balls. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure they are washing machine-friendly.


Sanitizing ball pit balls in a washing machine is a convenient and effective way to maintain a clean and hygienic play environment for your children. Regular cleaning, along with the precautions mentioned, ensures that your little ones can have fun without the worry of germs and bacteria.

FAQs about How to Sanitize Ball Pit Balls in Washing Machine

How often should I sanitize ball pit balls?

It’s a good practice to sanitize them at least once a month or more frequently if your ball pit sees heavy use.

Can I use bleach to sanitize the balls?

It’s best to avoid using bleach as it can damage the plastic and may leave harmful residues. Stick to mild detergents.

Can I wash cloth-covered ball pit balls in a washing machine?

Cloth-covered balls should be hand-washed to prevent damage to the fabric.

Are there any natural alternatives to detergent for cleaning ball pit balls?

You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar as a natural cleaning solution, but it may not be as effective as a mild detergent.

How can I prevent the balls from getting dirty in the first place?

Encourage children to wash their hands before playing in the ball pit and limit food and drink inside to reduce the risk of spills and stains.