Are you facing a peculiar conundrum with your trusty washer appliance lately? The joy of finding your favorite pen after an elusive game of hide and seek with it quickly turns into dismay as you discover its inky pawprints all over your washing machine. Fear not, for we’ve got your back with this guide on tackling pen ink stains on your washer appliance!

The Unwelcome Surprise

Your laundry day takes an unexpected turn when you open the washer lid and come face to face with the telltale signs of a pen ink mishap. That little culprit must have sneaked into your laundry load, leaving its mark all over your machine’s inner drum, rubber seals, and sometimes even your freshly cleaned clothes.

Pen ink stains can be particularly stubborn, but before you start to panic, take a deep breath. We’ll walk you through the process of dealing with this pesky problem step by step.

Why It Happens

Before we dive into solutions, let’s understand why pen ink pawprints end up on your washer appliance. The scenario typically unfolds when you accidentally leave a pen in your pocket or toss it in with your clothes. During the wash cycle, the pen can leak ink, transferring those messy marks to various surfaces within the machine.

The Importance of Immediate Action

Pen ink stains are notorious for their tenacity, and they are far easier to remove if you act quickly. Leaving them unattended can result in permanent marks and even damage to your washing machine. So, without further ado, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

How I Remove Pen Ink Pawprints on Washer Appliance

Step 1: What You’ll Need

First things first, gather your supplies. You’ll require:

  • Rubbing Alcohol: A key ingredient for breaking down the ink.
  • Cotton Balls or Swabs: Perfect for precision application.
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: For gentle scrubbing.
  • Water and Mild Detergent: To clean up after removing the ink.

Step 2: Safety First

Before you begin, unplug your washer appliance from the power source. Safety is paramount.

Step 3: Isolate the Area

Identify the areas with ink stains and isolate them. This helps prevent the ink from spreading during the cleaning process.

Step 4: Apply Rubbing Alcohol

Dip a cotton ball or swab in rubbing alcohol and gently dab the ink stains. Avoid excessive rubbing, as it might push the ink deeper into the surface.

Step 5: Let it Sit

Allow the rubbing alcohol to sit for a few minutes to break down the ink.

Step 6: Gentle Scrubbing

Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub the stained areas. Be patient, as it might take a bit of effort to completely remove the ink.

Step 7: Rinse and Repeat

Rinse the area with water and a mild detergent. If any ink remains, repeat the process until it’s gone.

Step 8: Clean the Drum

Don’t forget to clean the inner drum of your washer to ensure no ink residue is left behind.

Step 9: Reconnect and Test

Once you’re satisfied with the results, plug your washer back in, run a short cycle with no laundry, and check for any lingering ink.

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Prevention Tips

Keep an Eye on Pockets

To avoid future ink mishaps, always check your pockets before tossing your clothes into the washer.

Store Pens Properly

Store pens and other ink-containing items away from your laundry area to prevent accidents.


Ink pawprints on your washer appliance can be a nuisance, but with the right approach, you can restore your machine’s pristine appearance. Remember to act swiftly, gather the necessary supplies, and follow the steps outlined in this guide to bid farewell to those stubborn ink stains. By being proactive and cautious, you can ensure that your washer stays ink-free and ready for its next laundry adventure.


How do I prevent pen ink from leaking in the first place?

To prevent pen ink from leaking, always check your pockets before doing the laundry. Store pens and other ink-containing items away from your laundry area.

Can I use any type of rubbing alcohol to remove ink stains from my washer appliance?

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is the most effective choice for removing ink stains. It contains a high percentage of alcohol, making it ideal for breaking down ink.

What if the ink stain has been on my washer for a while?

If the ink stain is old and has set, it may be more challenging to remove. In such cases, you may need to repeat the cleaning process multiple times.

Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol on rubber seals and plastic parts of the washer?

Yes, rubbing alcohol is generally safe for rubber seals and plastic parts of your washer. However, always test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.

Can I use other cleaning agents besides rubbing alcohol to remove ink stains?

Rubbing alcohol is the most effective option, but you can also try using acetone or nail polish remover. Just be cautious with these options, as they may not be suitable for all washer surfaces.