The washing machine motor plays a crucial role in the functionality of your appliance. Over time, dust, lint, and debris can accumulate on the motor, hindering its performance and potentially leading to malfunctions. Cleaning the washing machine motor regularly can help maintain its efficiency and prolong its lifespan. A clean washing machine motor ensures optimal performance and prevents overheating and excessive noise.

4 Signs You Need Dirty Washing Machine Motor

If you notice any of the following signs, it may show washing machine motor needs cleaning:

  • Excessive noise during operation
  • Reduced spinning or agitating power
  • Unusual vibrations
  • Overheating or burning smell

Regular cleaning can address these issues and prevent potential breakdowns.

Read More Similar Topic: Signs Washing Machine Needs to Repair

How Many Safety Precautions Should I Consider Before Cleaning

Before starting the cleaning process, ensure you take the following safety precautions:

  • Disconnect the washing machine from the power source.
  • Allow the machine to cool down completely.
  • Wear protective gloves and safety goggles to prevent injury.
  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidelines for your washing machine model.

Tools and Materials Required for Cleaning Washing Machine Motor

Gather the following tools and materials before you clean:

  • Screwdriver
  • Compressed air canister or air compressor
  • Soft brush or cloth
  • A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment
  • Mild detergent or all-purpose cleaner
  • Water spray bottle

Lifetime Step-by-Step Guide How to Clean Washing Machine Motor

Step 1: Unplug the Washing Machine

Ensure I unplug the machine from the power source to prevent electrical accidents.

Step 2: Remove the Motor Cover

Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to locate and remove the motor cover. Use a screwdriver to loosen and remove any screws or fasteners carefully.

Step 3: Inspect for Dust and Debris

Inspect the motor for dust, lint, and other debris. Pay close attention to the vents, as they are prone to accumulation.

Step 4: Use Compressed Air to Blow Away Dust

Using a canister of compressed air or an air compressor, blow away the dust and debris from the motor. Be thorough but gentle to avoid damaging any sensitive components.

Step 5: Clean with a Soft Brush or Cloth

Use a soft brush or cloth to wipe away dust and grime. Dampen the cloth with a mild detergent or all-purpose cleaner if necessary. Avoid using excessive water to prevent damage to electrical components.

Step 6: Check the Motor Vents

Inspect the motor vents and ensure they are free from blockages. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove dirt or lint.

Step 7: Reassemble the Motor Cover

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper reassembly while carefully reassembling the motor cover and securely tightening all screws and fasteners. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper reassembly.

Relevant Article: Hacks to clean washing machine seal

Maintenance Tips for Keeping the Motor Clean

To maintain a clean washing machine motor, consider the following tips:

  • Clean the motor at least once every six months or as the manufacturer recommends.
  • Keep the surrounding area free from dust and debris to prevent them from entering the motor.
  • Avoid overloading the washing machine, as it can strain the motor and lead to excessive wear.


Regularly cleaning washing machine motor is essential for optimal performance and longevity. Following the step-by-step guide in this article and adhering to proper maintenance practices, you can ensure that your washing machine operates efficiently and remains in good working condition for years.


  1. How to Clean Washing Machine
  2. Motor Coupler Broken in Washing Machine
  3. How to Use Washing Machine Motor
  4. Washing Machine Motor Problems

If you want to read all the laundry related articles, visit here. Visit here for the 10 best washing machine cleaner, visit homyclean for Products Review.

FAQs About Washing Machine Cleaning Motor

How often should I clean my washing machine motor?

We recommend cleaning the washing machine motor at least once every six months. However, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidelines for your washing machine model.

Can I use water to clean the motor?

It is best to avoid using excessive water when cleaning the motor to prevent damage to electrical components. Use a soft brush or cloth dampened with a mild detergent or all-purpose cleaner.

What should I do if I encounter difficulty while reassembling the motor cover?

If you encounter any difficulties during the reassembly process, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or seek help from a professional technician.

Will cleaning the motor improve the washing machine’s efficiency?

Yes, cleaning the motor can help improve the washing machine’s efficiency by removing dust and debris that may hinder its performance.

Can a dirty washing machine motor cause damage to other parts of the appliance?

Yes, a dirty washing machine motor can cause strain and excessive wear on other components, potentially leading to malfunctions. Regular cleaning helps prevent such issues.
