Is your top load washing machine not functioning properly? Are you experiencing issues with the inner tub? If so, you may need to remove the inner tub for cleaning, repair, or replacement. You can safely and efficiently remove the inner tub of a top load washing machine by following the steps in this article.

The inner tub of a top load washing machine plays a crucial role in the washing process. It holds the clothes and allows water and detergent to circulate, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning. Over time, the inner tub can accumulate dirt, grime, and residue from detergents and fabric softeners, affecting the machine’s performance. Removing the inner tub periodically for cleaning can help maintain the machine’s functionality and prolong its lifespan.

Understanding the Inner Tub of a Top Load Washing Machine

Before we dive into the removal process, it’s essential to understand the inner tub’s structure and its significance in the washing machine. The inner tub is typically made of durable plastic or stainless steel inside the outer tub. It is responsible for holding the clothes during the wash cycle, allowing water and detergent to penetrate the fabric, resulting in clean and fresh laundry.

Reasons for Removing the Inner Tub of a Top Load Washing Machine

You should remove the inner tub of your top load washing machine for several reasons. These include:

  1. Cleaning: Over time, dirt, soap scum, and residue can build up on the inner tub, affecting its performance. Removing it allows for thorough cleaning and prevents mold and mildew growth.
  2. Repair: If the inner tub is damaged, removing it provides access for repairs or replacement of faulty components.
  3. Blockages: Foreign objects such as coins or small garments can occasionally find their way between the inner and outer tubs. Removing the inner tub enables you to retrieve these items and prevent potential damage to the machine.

Top Load Washing Machine Inner Tub Removal Tool

Before you start the removal process, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Screwdriver (Phillips or flathead, depending on your machine)
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Pliers
  • Towels or rags
  • Bucket or basin
  • Cleaning solution (mild detergent or vinegar and water solution)
  • Gloves (for safety and to keep your hands clean)
  • Safety goggles (optional but recommended for eye protection)

Safety Precautions to Replace Inner Tub Of a Top Load Washing Machine

Remember to take the following safety precautions to ensure your well-being while removing the inner tub:

  1. Before beginning work, unplug the washing machine and switch off the water supply. This minimizes the likelihood of electrical shock and prevents water leakage.
  2. Wear protective gloves to shield your hands from sharp edges, chemicals, and potential debris.
  3. Protect your eyes from flying debris and cleaning solutions by wearing safety goggles.
  4. Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any fumes from cleaning agents or mold that may be present.
  5. Place towels or rags around the washing machine to absorb any water that may spill during the removal process.

Now, let’s proceed with the step-by-step guide to removing the inner tub from your top load washing machine.

8 Lifetime Steps How to Remove the Inner Tub of a Top Load Washing Machine

Follow these steps carefully to remove the inner tub washing machine successfully:

Step 1: Unplug the Washing Machine and Turn Off the Water Supply

Safety should always be the priority. Unplug the washing machine from the power outlet and turn off the water supply valves.

Step 2: Prepare the Area

Clear the area around the washing machine to create ample space for maneuvering. Place towels or rags on the floor to catch any water or debris that may fall during the removal process.

Step 3: Remove the Agitator or Impeller

Your washing machine may contain an agitator or an impeller, depending on the model. Unscrew or unclip the cap or fabric softener dispenser on top of the agitator or impeller. Put it aside for now.

Step 4: Access the Inner Tub

You may need to remove the outer tub cover or cabinet panels to access the inner tub. Refer to your washing machine’s user manual or online guides for removing these components.

Step 5: Disconnect the Water Inlet Hoses

Locate the water inlet hoses connected to the inner tub. Using pliers or an adjustable wrench, loosen the hose connections and disconnect them. Be prepared for some water to spill, so have a bucket or basin ready to catch it.

Step 6: Disconnect the Drain Hose

Locate the drain hose attached to the inner tub or drain pump. Unclamp or unscrew the hose and carefully detach it from the tub or pump. Again, be prepared for water to drain out, so have a bucket or basin in place.

Step 7: Remove the Retaining Clips or Bolts

Look for retaining clips or bolts securing the inner tub to the drive shaft or suspension system. Use the appropriate tools (screwdriver, pliers, or wrench) to remove these clips or bolts.

Step 8: Lift and Remove the Inner Tub

Once all the connections and fasteners have been detached, carefully lift the inner tub out of the washing machine. It may be heavy, so use caution and, if needed, get assistance to prevent any injuries.

Relevant Topic: How to Replace the Outer Tub of a Top Load Washing Machine

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips of a Top Load Washing Machine

While the inner tub is removed, take the opportunity to clean it thoroughly. Use a mild detergent, vinegar, and water to remove dirt, grime, or residue. Let it dry completely before reinstalling.

Follow these additional tips to preserve the operation of your washing machine and the cleanliness of the inner tub:

  • Regularly clean the inner tub every few months or as needed.
  • Avoid overloading the washing machine to prevent excessive strain on the inner tub and other components.
  • Use appropriate laundry detergents and fabric softeners according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Provide enough ventilation and prevent moisture buildup, which can contribute to mold and mildew growth, by leaving the washing machine lid or door open after each use.

Reinstall the Inner Tub of a Top Load Washing Machine

Once you have completed the cleaning and maintenance tasks, it’s time to reinstall the inner tub. Follow these steps:

  1. Carefully lower the inner tub into the washing machine, aligning it with the drive shaft or suspension system.
  2. Secure the inner tub in place by reattaching the retaining clips or bolts that were previously removed.
  3. Reconnect the drain hose and secure it tightly.
  4. Attach the water inlet hoses and ensure they are properly tightened.
  5. Replace the outer tub cover or cabinet panels, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Place the agitator or impeller back onto the drive shaft and secure it with the appropriate mechanism.


Removing the inner tub of a top load washing machine may seem daunting, but you can accomplish it with the right tools, safety precautions, and step-by-step guidance. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the inner tub will improve your washing machine’s efficiency and longevity.

By following the outlined instructions, you can ensure that your washing machine operates at its best, providing you with clean and fresh laundry every time. Remember to prioritize safety and consult your machine’s user manual or seek professional assistance if you encounter any difficulties during the process.

Recommended Topics:

  1. How To Get Rid of Black Sludge In The Washing Machine
  2. How to Clean The Washing Machine Filter Top Loader
  3. How to Use Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner
  4. Remove A Washing Machine Drum

If you want to read all the laundry related articles, visit here. Visit here for the 10 best washing machine cleaner, visit homyclean for Products Review.


Can I remove the inner tub without any prior experience?

Removing the inner tub requires some technical knowledge and basic DIY skills. It is advisable to refer to the user manual or seek professional help if you are unsure about the process.

Do I need any special tools to remove the inner tub?

You will need basic tools such as a screwdriver, pliers, and an adjustable wrench. Refer to the specific requirements mentioned in your washing machine’s user manual.

How often should I clean the inner tub?

Cleaning the inner tub every few months or as needed is recommended. However, the frequency may vary depending on your usage and the dirt or residue buildup level.

Can I clean the inner tub with regular household cleaners?

You can use mild detergent or a vinegar and water solution to clean the inner tub. Avoid harsh chemicals that may damage the tub or affect the machine’s performance.

What should I do if I encounter difficulties while removing the inner tub?

If you face any challenges or encounter complex issues, it is best to seek professional assistance from a qualified technician to avoid any further damage to your washing machine.
